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Multiple Silent Hill projects are getting trailers "really soon," claims leaker

With Not-E3 coming up, that wouldn't be too surprising.

Silent Hill rumours are a dime a dozen, but this current one is claiming we'll be seeing more trailers for multiple projects "really soon."

If you weren't surprised by the announcement of the Silent Hill 2 remake last year, you're not alone, because it had been heavily rumoured and even leaked long before that official reveal. Some of the other Silent Hill announcements did offer some surprises, but we haven't heard anything about them since. Now, known leaker Dusk Golem (who had shared leaks about the series refresh prior to the reveal from Konami) is claiming that we should expect at least one trailer for one of the Silent Hill projects "before June."

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"I don't know the exact date for everything," Dusk Golem explained in The Snitch's Discord channel (The Snitch, for those unaware, being another leaker providing accurate but vague leaks). "But I'll just say there's a new SH2R, [Townfall] & Ascension trailer ready to be revealed at last." Dusk Golem went on to say that the first trailer "will be before" Summer Game Fest (which is being hosted June 8), clarifying that it will be "really soon, before June."

According to Dusk Golem, the Silent Hill 2 remake also "has great art direction, Downfall looks very interesting, [and] Ascension looks graphically great." The leaker isn't sure about what's up with The Short Message project though, which was rated in Korea last year shortly before the reveal of the Silent Hill projects, saying they don't know if it's dead yet. One project that wasn't brought up was Silent Hill F, a title from writer Ryukishi07 and Resident Evil: ReVerse developer Neobards Entertainment.

If before June is accurate, then we should have at least one trailer by next Wednesday, so it won't exactly be long until we find out how accurate this is. It wouldn't be entirely unsurprising, as Konami did just reveal that the also highly rumoured Metal Gear Solid 3 remake is in fact real - as well as a port of the first three Metal Gear Solid games.

Update: DuskGolem thinks we will probably have three trailers soon
by u/dvrsd in silenthill

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