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Jaffe: Twisted Metal's "heart and soul" is multiplayer

While proud of the single-player campaign, Eat Sleep Play lead David Jaffe has said Twisted Metal is all about the multiplayer.

"To keep expectations in check, know this: the bosses are super cool, I think the stories/cutscenes/game fiction is really very cool, and the campaign is more varied than any other Twisted Metal we've ever made BUT if you go in expecting a campaign the likes of Batman: Arkham City, Skyrim, Gears of War, Killzone 3, will be sorely disappointed," Jaffe said in response to a query on Twitter.

"The game - I feel - is well worth the asking price BUT that's for folks who love the multiplayer. If you are buying the new Twisted Metal ONLY or MOSTLY for campaign, might I suggest a rental?

"Again, not knocking our campaign - it really is the biggest and most varied one we've ever done - but just want to set expectations and be super clear that the heart and soul of the title is all about the multiplayer.

"I feel I have to do that in this day and age of mega massive super amazing games that have campaigns like Batman, Uncharted 3, and Skyrim. But with all that preamble, this is the best Twisted Metal game - bar none - we've ever done and I am insanely proud of the game and the Utah and Sony Santa Monica teams!"

Twisted Metal is due exclusively for PlayStation 3 on February 14 in the US and February 17 elsewhere.

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