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Irrational to detail BioShock Infinite location at PAX East this Friday

2K's announced that Irrational is to talk about BioShock Infinite's main location at PAX East this Friday.

The panel will see creative director Ken Levine, art director Nate Wells, lead artist Shawn Robertson and senior effects artist Stephen Alexander talk about Columbia, the floating city that the game is mainly set in.

The team will talk about how it "arrived on Columbia's visual design, its inspirations, the overarching creative process and plenty of other topics related to the creation of the world of BioShock Infinite."

Don't expect anything new, though.

The panel will take place at the Manticore Theatre of the Boston Convention Center between 5-6pm on Friday.

2K's also promised swag giveaways for Infinite at its booth over the weekend, with Levine, Wells and Robertson holding a signing session on the Saturday.

BioShock Infinite releases next year for PS3, 360 and PC.

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