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Heavy Rain - GC level is "not part of the main plot"

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Speaking in a Games Convention presentation, Quantic Dream boss David Cage confirmed that the Heavy Rain scenario shown at the event - with a journalist being chased through a house by a taxidermist murderer - hasn't got anything to do with the thriller's main story arc.

"It's really a bonus scene," said Cage. "It's not part of the main plot."

The level showed a woman investigating a series of appearances by breaking into a house and finding a room upstairs full of dead, stuffed ladies. Normal, average day.

Cage said the scene is likely to be included on the title's retail version, however.

"It will probably be on the game [disc], yeah," he added. "As a bonus scene."

Heavy Rain's been pegged by SCEE president David Reeves as PS3’s “most important title for next year”, and certainly did a good job of knocking out the crowds in Germany last month.

No date, though.

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