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You can't replay story missions in Halo Infinite at launch

If you enjoyed turning on difficulty modifiers and replaying Halo missions in past games, you may be disappointed with Infinite.

When Halo Infinite's highly-anticipated (and very well-reviewed) campaign launches on December 8, it'll be missing a key feature that's been a key element of the series to date: the option to replay missions.

Per Polygon, Halo Infinite's missions will not be selectable from a menu for you to play again at your own discretion, as they have been in pretty much all previous games.

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The option to play back levels in the games has been a key part of the series, especially since lots of challenges and achievements are typically locked behind challenges that require you to finish off levels with skull modifiers on, or on different difficulty levels.

The chance to replay levels on the same save file has been taken away because of the game's 'semi open-world nature', according to Polygon.

What does that mean for completionists – those of us who yearn to head into the game to uncover all the secrets and collectibles?

"Once you’ve cleared an area or completed a story mission, you can go back to explore," explains Polygon. "It’s just that story missions won’t trigger. In some cases, this means that hidden items in these areas can be found after a mission, but it’s not true of all missions."

Be aware, then, that the first two missions aren't actually on the game's setting of Zeta Halo: explore those to death before you wrap up. Even once you've finished the game, you won't have chance to replay story missions – you'll need to start a brand new file for that.

"The postgame does give you the option to keep exploring the wider environment, but for missions like the first two, where you’re not on the ring yet, you can’t replay from the same save file," a representative said to Polygon. "You’d be able to get any remaining FOBs, targets, [and] audio logs, but the main story missions would not repeat."

Co-op in the campaign and Forge won't be in Halo Infinite at launch, either, if you're keeping track.

On the upside, our own Alex Donaldson has said that the game is the ultimate Halo solo experience, so at least there's that.

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