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Halo Infinite campaign co-op and Forge will miss their originally planned release windows

Campaign co-op and Forge are being delayed.

Don’t expect campaign co-op to arrive in Halo Infinite until at least May 2022.

This is according to 343 Industries’ head of creative Joseph Staten who told Eurogamer campaign co-op and Forge mode will both release outside of the previous target windows.

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Campaign co-op was originally slated to release during Season 2 which would have been sometime in March. Because Season 1 kicked off earlier this week ahead of the game’s formal release date, it will last until May, which means campaign co-op will release sometime after the season ends and Season 2 begins.

Forge was initially slated to release six months after launch, or sometime in June. According to Staten, Forge mode is now slated to release in late summer.

"At the time that we talked about campaign co-op and Forge I said our goal is to ship campaign co-op in Season 2 and our goal is to ship Forge with Season 3," he said.

"We are extending Season 1. So our goal still remains what I said before, which is to ship campaign co-op with Season 2 and Forge with Season 3. But those remain goals. Those remain targets. And we can't commit to any hard dates right now, because as we're seeing with this multiplayer beta, other things might move up in the priority stack for us.

"If it turns out that our progression system just isn't working the way that we intended, if we need to move some of these bigger rocks sooner, then we as a team will make those decisions and will clearly communicate to our fans why we're why we're doing certain things."

Staten went on to say it will be a “constant challenge” to address some of those “bigger rocks,” that players have been providing feedback about, but the biggest things it has to deliver are the campaign co-op and Forge toolset as both are “big promises” the team needs to “make good on.”

343 recently changed up the battle progression system in multiplayer with a new daily challenge called "Practice Makes Perfection" to the game that rewards players fifty pass XP for completing a single multiplayer match. This should hopefully make progressing through the system less of a slog.

That said, the multiplayer has been well-received by players, but if you are more interested in the campaign, here’s what our very own Alex Donaldson had to say about it.

Also, here’s 25 minutes of Halo Infinite campaign gameplay you can check out - without spoilers.

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