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Greenberg on Move: "Only Natal makes you the controller"


Microsoft production boss Aaron Greenberg's thrown out a response to Sony's Move reveal earlier this week, saying that Natal's the only solution for controller-free motion gaming.

"Xbox 360 has a strong history of innovation: Halo, Xbox LIVE and instant-on 1080p HD," said the senior Microsoft exec, talking to TheBitBag.

"With each of these, we had our sights set on the future – and it paid off for us, the industry and Xbox 360 owners. We are doing it again with Project Natal on Xbox 360. We believe controller-free experiences are the future of gaming and entertainment.

"Only Project Natal makes YOU the controller, putting you in the middle of the action and in complete control. Jump and your Avatar jumps. Speak and characters respond. Combined with Xbox LIVE, Project Natal will transform how you connect with your friends, family and entertainment – as only Xbox 360 can do."

PlayStation Move was announced at GDC in San Francisco this week as the name for PS3's wand controller.

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