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F1 2010 has 12 player, objective-based online multiplayer

F1 2010 2

F1 2010 producer Paul Jeal has revealed the first details for the online multiplayer for the racer.

It'll have three gameplay modes for the racer like Quick Race, where you can have a couple of quick laps, as well as an "endurance mode" type, which has eight laps and "mandatory pit-stops".

The final mode is a custom type racer, so you can can create your own race. Want a monsoon-like race similar to Malaysia last season? Have an enduring race for Brazil at full-race distance? It's all yours.

Jeal added that some modes in the multiplayer will be objective-based, with some things possibly carried over to the Single Player. He also confirmed the amount of players for its online is being aimed at 12, although that hasn't been "locked down" yet.

Some new shots and a developer diary got out earlier this week. It's looking very good so far.

F1 2010 is due out in September for PS3, 360 and PC.

Thanks, CVG.

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