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Blizzard wants Diablo 4 to support cross-play

Blizzard is as excited about the idea of cross-play in Diablo 4 as we all are.

Being an always-online game, Diablo 4 is a more connected game than any of its predecessors.

The world of Diablo 4 is going to come alive with the arrival of seamless multiplayer, which manifests in MMO-style public events and even PvP zones. As is often the case, placing a big emphasis on online elements invites a lot of questions about cross-play, now that players know it's possible.

For Diablo 4, Blizzard is also interested in cross-play. "We're very excited about cross-play," executive producer Allen Adham told Telegraph.

"There are technical details and details to work through with the first parties, but it's our goal to get to cross-play."

This seems like a fairly standard answer, but at the very least the developer was willing to confirm that it's looking to get cross-play up and running in Diablo 4 at some point. The game is still early in development, so there's plenty of time to get those details ironed out.

Diablo 4 is coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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