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Destiny gets first E3 footage - sort of

Destiny is definitely coming to E3 2014 in a big way. This sneak peek footage gives us our first glimpse of what Bungie's bringing to LA this week.

Last week, we received confirmation that Destiny would appear during Sony's E3 conference. Now, Activision and Bungie have released a few short snippets of video in an Instagram video, showing off new materials. It's just a tease for the blow out we're expecting from both platform holders.

Despite the hype building around the game, Activision has been quite stingy with information and footage of the shared-worlds shooter. When it was first revealed, the publisher told us almost nothing, and has only held one round of hands-on previews to date. The last good look offered to the general public was a website update, from which clever Internet types managed to extract a wealth of footage not actually intended for public release.

Since then, we've had a range of teasers, one decent gameplay slice and a trailer explaining the unusual game's premise.

I feel like all the mystery could be cleared up if they'd just call it "Borderlands but for unlimited players" or "a console MMO" or whatever, don't you? Anyway, we'll know more by the end of the week, and Destiny arrives on PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in September.

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