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If Kojima were to make a Death Stranding sequel, it'll have to be a fresh start

Hideo Kojima is happy to work with Death Stranding lead Norman Reedus again, but a sequel would need to be very different.

Death Stranding was never pitched as the start of a new series to rival creator Hideo Kojima's own Metal Gear Solid. The game is unusual, experimental and a bit divisive, so continuing the story may not be something that immediately springs to mind.

This is also true for Kojima, who told Vulture that he "would start from zero" if he were to ever create a sequel to Death Stranding, though without really explaining what that means.

Whatever it ends up being, however, Kojima would like to work with Norman Reedus again, with whom he became close friends during filming.

Kojima recently revealed that he'd like to make the scariest horror game, so perhaps the next Death Stranding may be a complete reset, maybe even shifting genres to horror to create the Silent Hills he wanted to make once.

In other Death Stranding news, the game's next update is due before the end of the year and will address the issue of small text size, and add the ability to dispose of vehicles.

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