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Borderlands 3 - check out these Vault Hunter head skins from Crazy Earl's store

There are loads of customisation options for your Vault Hunters in Borderlands 3, including a ridiculously large moustache and a big horse head.

When you're in Sanctuary, you can pay Crazy Earl a visit to buy skins, heads, trinkets, items for your rooms and emotes. You'll need Eridium to buy anything from him, which you can obtain through missions and exploring Pandora and beyond.

Borderlands 3 - Vault Hunter head skins

There are a bunch of unique head skins for each Vault Hunter, as well as three heads that are available across all four. They'll set you back 80 to 100 Eridium a piece and are some of the cheapest items in Earl's store.

Bully for you

Tough Scruff

Pony Up

The remainder of heads costs between 100 to 240 Eridium on average, so you'll know what you need to budget for. Skins for your character start at around 90 Eridium and get more expensive the more elaborate they are. You can check out the Bubblegum Bum skin below, which costs 150 Eridium.

You can also buy new skins for your Echo device from around 70 Eridium, and Trinkets start from 50 Eridium. Weapon skins are amongst the most expensive items, with some weapon skins - like Gun-fetti - setting you back 300 Eridium.

Previously, Randy Pitchford had claimed that there would be no microtransactions in Borderlands 3. While these skins offer no tactical advantage - these items are purely cosmetic - they still count as microtransactions, even if it's using a currency you earn in-game.

You can earn Eridium by completing quests and finding it in loot drops, and there's a wealth of cosmetic items to choose from. You can see more skins, trinkets and room items in this video from our pals at Arekkz.

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