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Battlefield 5 pre-show to focus on history of the series - watch here

The world premiere of Battlefield 5, or whatever the shooter will be titled, kicks off later today. Until then, get your fix with the pre-show chronicling the history of the series.

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Battlefield 5 pre-show to focus on history of the series - watch here

The first title in the first-person shooter series, Battlefield 1942, was released on Windows and Mac in 2002. Starting off with a World War II setting, Battlefield has spanned multiple subjects such as the Vietnam War, modern combat, and the futuristic Battlefield 2142 set in the 22nd century.

Since its debut, there have been 11 games in the Battlefield franchise released and 12 expansion packs. Since 2012, it has been played by more than 50 million players worldwide.

The next Battlefield game will be released around holiday 2016.

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