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2K "definitely looking at" Mafia II DLC

mafia II

Mafia II senior producer Denby Grace has told VG247 US ed Stephany Nunneley that 2K is "definitely looking" at DLC for the game.

Speaking at GDC two weeks ago, Grace told us that DLC would be the closest the title would get to an online experience as it has no multiplayer.

"We're not doing multiplayer... but downloadable content is something we're definitely looking at," he said.

"All games seem to have it nowadays. We're not ready to talk about it right now, but I definitely won't close the door on downloadable content."

Grace went on to explain that while DLC could potentially fit into Mafia II as a project, multiplayer wasn't appropriate.

"Mafia is all about this single-player, cinematic experience, like watching a movie," he said.

"Multiplayer just didn't feel right. At 2K, at a higher level, we certainly believe that if we're going to do something we're going to do it properly. We don't want to do a half-assed job on something.

"If you can't compete with Call of Duty and those sorts of games, then why even go there?"

Mafia II is planned for release in Take-Two's fourth fiscal quarter, the three months ending October 31, 2010, for PS3, 360 and PC.

Get the most recent trailer for it here.

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