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Tsujimoto hints at 3DS Monster Hunter


The addictive delights of the Monster Hunter series may soon find a new and perhaps more popular home on new hardware, as producer Ryozo Tsujimoto hints at a possible 3DS incarnation for the portable phenomenon.

The coming year will be an exciting time for hardware enthusiasts, Tsujimoto told Gemaga magazine, expressing his interest in embracing a new platform in the same breath as calling attention to the 3DS's launch.

"The 3DS is releasing, too, so I think the right time to switch [Monster Hunter] to new hardware is coming as well," he said.

Although the series was a PlayStation 2 staple and made a recent, successful outing on the Wii as Monster Hunter Tri, it's the PSP which has been most kind to Monster Hunter.

Five portable releases have proved incredibly popular in Capcom's home territory, driving the Japanese hardware charts to regular bouts of PSP domination.

While we wait for a 3DS announcement, we still have Monster Hunter Portable 3rd to look forward to - assuming Capcom sees fit to localise one of the fastest selling Japanese PSP games of all time in Western territories.

Via Hachimaki, Siliconera.

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