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Try out the Anthem seasonal event Icetide on the PTS this weekend

Bioware wants you to give the upcoming Anthem seasonal event, Icetide, a try on the Public Test Server.

Anthem players are getting a new seasonal event called Icetide, and it is playable now on the Public Test Server (PTS).

During the Icetide PTS trial, the Tyrant Mine Stronghold will be available and will include timers, score multipliers, Inversions, and leaderboards.

Diving into Freeplay, you will find more encounters with outlaws, localized Snow Globe Storms, and a new event: a Freelancer Time Trial. The Time Trial race event will respawn every five minutes.

Crystals can be earned during the event and spent on winter-themed rewards. You will also find Fort Tarsis and the Launch Bay decorated for the season. Blankets of snow covering the jungles and frozen lakes are also to be expected.

If you own the game on PC or are a current Origin Access subscriber, you can play Icetide ahead of launch this weekend. Access to the event on the PTS will be available until November 11.

The latest seasonal event, Season of Skulls, recently wrapped up.

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