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Time's 100 Most Influential People poll shows Penny Arcade topping Obama


Time Magazine's asked readers to vote once again on the 100 Most Influential People in the World, and guess what?

Penny Arcade's Gabe and Tycho are above President Barack Obama on the list.

Sad thing about this list, is anyone can vote. Robert Pattinson and Adam Lambert's placements on the list prove this.

So far, here's the top 19. We refuse to type the 20th listing, lest we summon the demoness:

  1. Conan O'Brien
  2. Yu-Na Kim
  3. Lady Gaga
  4. Rain (Korean pop sensation)
  5. Dana White
  6. Robert Pattinson
  7. Neil Patrick Harris
  8. Adam Lambert
  9. Sachin Tendulkar
  10. Chelsea Handler
  11. Shah Rukh Khan
  12. Ron Paul
  13. Penny Arcade guys
  14. Barack Obama
  15. Beyoncé
  16. Jon Stewart
  17. Stephen Colbert
  18. Manny Pacquiao
  19. Hillary Clinton

Via Kotaku.

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