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The Russian Empire is coming as part of Battlefield 1's season pass

The Russians will be joining the French as post-launch factions for Battlefield 1.

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Prior to the launch of Battlefield 1, developer DICE confirmed that the French army will be coming to the game as part of the first DLC pack.

Thanks to a recent update to the Premium pass page, we now know that the Russian Empire will be part of another one of the game's add-ons. In the video above, our Battlefield expert Westie discusses what this means for the game, seeing as Battlefield 1 has more factions than any other game in the series.

The rest of the video is a deep dive into the game's first patch, starting with the class bug the patch fixed. Many players found their class levels have been lowered following the patch, when in fact the game has been displaying incorrect information from the start.

Looking ahead, DICE confirmed it's working on a fix to eliminate the bug that sometimes prevents you from being able to shoot after getting revived.

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