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Take a look at Until Dawn back when it was a first-person PS3 game

Until Dawn was in the oven a long time before it baked up into the terrific teen thriller we know today.

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Until Dawn was first announced as a PlayStation Move exclusive for PS3, before being pushed back so far it ended up on PS4.

That's fine though, because Until Dawn is great, and behind the scenes materials included with the game show Supermassive was determined to nail it, spending ages testing and tinkering even with individual jump scares.

Along the way, it went through some dramatic changes. The video above from PtoPOnline purports to show off an early prototype build. There's little reason to doubt it; if you cast your mind right back to the 2012 reveal you'll hazily remember this is what we expected at the time.

Until Dawn was something of a sleeper hit, to Sony's gratified surprise, and spawned a virtual reality spin-off called Rush of Blood, which has been known to make grown adults screech, weep and rip the PlayStationVR from their faces.

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