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Star Wars: Battlefront - All Collectables Locations

Collectibles for battles, hero battles and survival.

This guide will help you find all of the collectibles that are in Star Wars: Battlefront. These are spread across battles, hero battles and even the survival missions, but getting each of them shouldn't be too hard. We're going to give you a written description of where to find each, but for the more visual folks out there, we'll also embed a video to help you out in places that you might find yourself stuck.

Battle on Hoth

For your first collectable, turn left as soon as you begin the level and go up the embankment in front of you. Follow along the ledge on the left side, and you should see the first collectable before long. They look like white diamonds, which are easy to miss against Hoth's snowy landscape. Keep a sharp eye out!

The second collectable is at a high elevation in the southern portion of the map. Look for a high hilltop above a big cave.

The third collectable can be found near the shuttle fueling station.

The fourth collectable can be found on top of the tunnel in the western portion of the map. Look for a cave entrance.

The fifth collectable can be found in the caves. Use the south entrance. It's next to a light, and therefore easily missed.

Hero Battle on Hoth

The first collectable can be found in the southeast corner of the map, at one of its highest-elevated points.

The second collectable is on the face of a cliff near the level's starting point.

The third collectable can be found on the high peak in the middle of the map.

The fourth collectable is hiding behind a rock on a plateau. You can find the plateau between a large hole and a tall tank.

The fifth collectable is in the large cavern. Look behind a large stalagmite, where you can find the collectable between two blasters.

Battle on Tatooine

The first collectable is near the start of the level. Go to the metal walkway and onto the Rebel transport. You'll find the collectable at the front of the ship. You need a jetpack to collect it.

The second collectable can be found by jumping off the other side of the ship and onto the green tarp. Go down to the lower level of the tarp to find the collectable.

The third collectable is in a gap behind the computers underneath the ship.

The fourth collectable is next to the bones of the krayt dragon near the sail barge.

The fifth collectable can be found by travelling to the opposite side of the map from the sail barge. You'll find it just out of bounds.

Hero Battle on Tatooine

The first collectable can be found behind the command pod of the transport ship. You need a jetpack to reach it.

The second collectable is under the sail barge and krayt dragon bones. Run around the ship to grab it.

The third collectable is under the tail of the transport ship. Look inside the small carrier.

The fourth collectable can be found in a pile of small carriers under the rear of the transport ship. You need a jetpack to reach it.

The fifth collectable can be found floating above the Great Pit of Carkoon. Use a jetpack to reach it.

Battle on Endor

The first collectable is near the beginning of the mission, behind the computer console.

The second collectable can be found by exiting the base from the start of the mission, and going right. Follow the trail until you reach a fork. There's a collectable in the grass here.

The third collectable can be found from the location of the second collectable. Go under the landing pad and look for the hollowed-out log. You'll find a collectable behind the tree on the other side.

The fourth collectable is on the second floor. The collectable is on the opposite side of where the mission started, in the rightmost hallway.

The fifth collectable is between the tank and the wall near the Imperial shuttles.

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Hero Battle on Endor

To find the first collectable, go to the second floor from the spawn point. Turn left. The collectable is floating on the ledge to the left.

For the second collectable, leave the base from the spawn point, and turn right. The collectable is high up on the rock ledge beyond the last door.

For the third collectable, go to the first Imperial shuttle. It's up on the wing.

For the fourth collectable, start from the area where you found the third collectable. Go into the forest via the left side of the landing pad. The collectable is on top of a hollowed-out log.

For the fifth collectable, go upstairs from your spawn point and look on top of the fourth electrical pylon on the right. You need a jetpack to reach it.

Battle on Sullust

To find the first collectable, turn right from your spawn point and find the collectable near the computers.

To find the second collectable, search the boxes around the legs of the AT-ATs.

The third collectable can be found by exiting the hangar to the left. It's at the end of the structure, just around the corner.

To find the fourth collectable, look in the front-left corner of the hangar, near the AT-AT parking.

To find the fifth collectable, go outside and jump on top of the crates outside the hangar. Turn right and jetpack over to the collectable on the front wall of the hangar.

Hero Battle on Sullust

Get the first collectable by turning around. You should see it right away.

Find the second collectable on top of the double-stacked crates on the right side of the hangar.

The third collectable is in the room just to the right of the second collectable. It's at the end of a dead-end path.

The fourth collectable is on top of the rightmost AT-AT, near the front.

The fifth collectable is also on the outside wall of the hangar, near the crates. Turn left when you exit the hangar to find it.

Survival on Tatooine

The first collectable is mid-air, hanging over the huts. Use the cliffs to get high up, then use your jetpack to reach it.

The second collectable is also hanging mid-air near your spawn point. Again, use the cliffs to gain elevation, then use your jetpack to grab it.

The third collectable can be found near a tower connected by lines. Use the nearby cliffs and your jetpack to reach it.

The fourth collectable can be found on the far side of the map, near cables hung with tattered pieces of fabric. The collectable is hanging in mid-air; use the cliffs and your jetpack to get it.

The fifth collectable is near the Imperial Shuttle. Follow the middle path into the cave. Turn right and get the collectable.

Survival on Sullust

The first collectable is near your starting point, on top of the Imperial Shuttle.

The second collectable is outside the hangar, to the right. Hug the rocks to find it.

The third collectable can be found by exiting the hangar to the left. It's at the end of the structure, just around the corner.

The fourth collectable is near the middle of the map, near the metal stairs going down. You can climb up the rocks to reach it, or jetpack from the metal stairs.

The fifth collectable is near the location of the fourth collectable, hanging above the lava pool. Jetpack to reach it.

Survival on Endor

Find the first collectable by turning around from your spawn point, jumping up, and moving up the hill and past the Imperial base and shuttle. Search behind the tree beyond the tanks.

Find the second collectable by going right from your spawn point and going under the Ewok village. There's a clearing with a collectable.

The third collectable can be found by going right from your spawn point, moving under the Ewok village, and going right to the cliff boundary.

The fourth collectable is floating above a puddle past the Ewok village and the Imperial vehicle.

The fifth collectable is on the far end of the map (from your spawn point), near the left cliffs.

Survival on Hoth

The first collectable can be found by turning around from your spawn point, making a left, and following the narrow corridor to the collectable.

The second collectable can be found in the hangar, past the X-Wing. Go right, then make a quick left to get the collectable behind the boxes.

The third collectable is in the hangar as well. Go behind the Snowspeeder and search inside the small transport to find it.

The fourth collectable is in the corridors on the left side of the hangar.

The fifth collectable can be found by going upstairs from the hangar, turning right, and entering the laboratory on the right.

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