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SEGA: Aliens vs Predator sequel not being considered right now

Sega has said production on an Aliens vs Predator sequel isn't currently being considered right now.

CEO of the publisher's western arm Mike Hayes told Eurogamer, following news yesterday that Creative Assembly was to create a console title revolving around the Alien world, that there could be "a lot more" to do before a chance of a sequel came up.

"[AVP] was so successful that naturally you would think you want to do a sequel," said Hayes. "But we already had Aliens: Colonial Marines in the pipeline at Gearbox.

"The Aliens universe is so interesting that there are different things that we can do before we go back to an idea of sequelisation," he added.

"There's a lot more we can do first before we would consider doing a sequel on AVP."

AvP launched last February from Rebellion.

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