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Secret Arkham Asylum room shows Arkham City map, concept art

arkham city map

Game Informer's posted up a video showing a secret room in Batman: Arkham Asylum, which shows a blueprint of what appears to be Arkham City and some concept art for its namesake game.

The mag's next issue will show you how to access the room.

"While building Batman: Arkham Asylum, we placed a number of ‘hooks’ into the game that tie into the ‘Arkham-Verse’," said narrative designer for Arkham City, Paul Crocker.

"The room obviously ties into Arkham City, but to be fair, we hid it pretty well. We did assume that it would be found eventually and after following forum posts for six months or so, decided to announce it in the ‘Game of the Year’ podcast."

Crocker added: "What I think people are really going to enjoy is not just how Arkham Asylum led to Arkham City, but also how the story in Arkham City sheds new light on the events you saw in Arkham Asylum."

Now you know.

Batman: Arkham City was announced last week following a tease last December.

The game's out next fall for PS3, 360 and PC.

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