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SCEA: "We've captured the hardcore" with PS3, will push for casual later this year


Sony has told VG247 that it's "captured the hardcore" with PS3, and while it will serve that central user with titles such as Heavy Rain and God of War III later this year, it plans on pushing further into the casual space with the console.

"There's certainly a line-up of very strong family-friendly titles that we're looking at for PS3 in our continuing effort to appeal to that casual consumer," said SCEA hardware marketing boss John Koller, speaking at GDC.

"We've captured the hardcore. The install base we have now tells us that the hardcore's purchased. We're moving on now to continue to support them with a tremendous line-up of games, but also look at softer brands that maybe we had with PS2 franchises we're bringing over to PS3, or new IP."

Koller told us to look to the past for hints to PS3's future.

"Think of some of the latter-half PS2 franchises," he said.

E3's not that far away, is it?

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