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Rumour: Pics show "3D video output" in PS3 debug Firmware 3.20


We've landed some pics of a new debug build of PS3's Firmware, clearly showing a "3D video output" option.

As you can see from the images below, the feature appears to be included in the 3.20 release, which is apparently now in the hands of developers.

There's been a great deal of talk about 3D games in recent months, with Sony especially being a strong supporter of the tech.

SCEA's John Koller, speaking at CES in January, said that, "It’s gonna take just a simple firmware update which most people do regularly anyway, and that’s all it’s gonna take to accolade the PS3 to 3D gaming."

He added: "It’s just a simple firmware update on the hardware."

Koller did add a caveat, saying, "You will, however, have to have a 3D TV and the glasses to get the full experience and Blu-ray movies in 3D will require a separate firmware update, which will be required by the end of the year”.

Sony showed GT5 running in 3D at CES.

Microsoft, however, has been less enamoured with the concept.

“I think there’s a lot of questions, to be honest,” green machine Aaron Greenberg said, also speaking at the Las Vegas show last month.

“3D is great in the theater, but for the living room? I think we’re a long ways away from that.”

PS3's Firmware currently stands at 3.15. Sony's yet to announce a release date for future upgrades.

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