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Rumor: Bethesda to announce Prey 2 canning next week

Take this for what it is at the moment (a massive rumor) but Bethesda will apparently announce Prey 2's cancellation next week.

According to PS Focus, a "reliable source" has said the Human Head Studios title has been cancelled, which explains the lack of new information on the game since it was announced, as well as three planned conferences which were also cancelled over last few months.

The site said an official announcement on the game's cancellation will be released by Bethesda next week.

When asked for comment, Bethesda told us it doesn't "comment on rumors," while a spokesperson for the firm told VideogameWriters: "Thanks for reaching out. We aren't commenting on this story."

Announced in March 2011, the game's slated for release on PC and consoles this year.

Thanks, Colin.

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