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Mysterious Human Head projects investigated by Superannuation

Prey 2 developer Human Head has gone under the spyglass of intrepid internet sleuth Superannuation in his latest Kotaku blog, unearthing a few mysteriously shelved projects, including an apparently axed collaboration with Nintendo.

The blog post suggests that Human Head owner Paul MacArthur incorporated three other studios at the same address as the studio in a bid to shield parts of his business from any potential Prey 2 or Bethesda-related legal issues.

The companies were Large Shaggy Dog, LLC, Bifrost Games, LLC, and Nine Realms, Inc. Superannuation claims that Nine Realms worked on a prototype for a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles mobile game for Nickelodeon, as well as a mysterious project for Nintendo. Human Head was also said to be recruiting for a new open world game around the time it stopped working on Prey 2, but the blog suggests this was also shelved.

Check out the details over at the blog. It's fascinating stuff, even if it's a tad cloudy. Will we ever know what fully happened to Prey 2? Let us know what you think below.

I have to add that I saw Prey 2 gameplay running live at gamescom 2011 and thought it was actually mighty impressive. If you have a question, ask away and I'll see if I can remember how it all went down.

Via Polygon.

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