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RTW: APB has 130,000 registered users


Realtime Worlds has released player stats for APB, claiming 130,000 registered users and saying "paying players" spend an average of $28 per month.

The developer, which announced that it had gone into administration earlier this month, has opened up numbers "while negotiations continue to secure a sale for the British publisher of APB".

The average player puts in four hours a day, according to a just-issued press release.

Administrator Paul Dounis said: “These are healthy numbers and reflect positively on APB as a ongoing concern.

"They prove this is a very sticky and enjoyable game, which is shown by the average player daily playtime and an ARPPU (Average Revenue per Paying User) that is highest of any game out there.”

Going for broke

After weeks of rumours, the Scottish developer said in mid-August that it has entered administration.

In the preceeding week, RTW confirmed it had made lay-offs from its MyWorld team, but stayed committed to crime MMO APB.

Some of the staff laid off have now been re-employed while a suitable exit can be found.

APB launch in late June in the US and early July in Europe.

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