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Planetside Arena features new and returning weapons - watch new gameplay

Planetside Arena is an off-shoot of the storied series, so many of its weapons will be familiar to Planetside 2 players.

Daybreak released a new Planetside Arena developer diary, specifically focusing on weapons and vehicles in the match-based multiplayer off-shoot.

Though many of the weapons aren't new, Daybreak explains that returning favourites have been visually upgraded for the new game. Weapon behaviour, however, will carry over to Arena, which should make it easier for veterans to get into the game.

The video also explains how in-match power progression is going to work. As the match progresses, you'll be able to spend an in-game currency earned throughout on weapon upgrades, and new weapons. These weapons will offer more utility, but won't be straight upgrades.

Daybreak also showed off some of the new and returning vehicles in the video, even if they won't be available in every mode. Catch it all below:

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Planetside Arena was unveiled in December as a match-based, 500-player affair; a fusion of Planetside and more traditional multiplayer shooters. It launches January 29 on PC.

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