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Omega Strikers — Smash Bros meets Rocket League — has just launched in closed beta

A 3v3 free-to-play title from former Riot devs is aiming for the competitive crowd.

Omega Strikers has just been announced! Odyssey Interactive has just shown off its premier title, with former staff from a range of industry giants including Riot Games among senior staff. A 3v3 competitive sports x fighting game, you can apply to enter the closed beta right now.

While only playable on the PC right now, news of future mobile and console versions are apparently on the way. So if you like the look of the trailer below, but the sight of a keyboard deeply frightens you, hopefully the wait shouldn’t be that bad.

Check out the new trailer here!Watch on YouTube

The gameplay is all about two teams of three smashing eachother off the arena in order to clear the path for a shot on goal. It’s like a sci-fi version of what you wish football really was when you were a teen, where you could just smash into the lad who actually spent his free time doing exercise and footy practice.

“Odyssey was founded with the mission to ignite the competitive spirit of the next generation of players - one that we feel will be the biggest, most inclusive and most connected ever,” said Dax Andrus, co-founder and President, Odyssey Interactive. “Omega Strikers builds upon the lessons our veteran team has learned running some of the most popular multiplayer games in the world. Today, as we launch Omega Strikers into Closed Beta on PC, we take the first major step in an exciting journey ahead for a game that we’re building to inspire players now and for years to come.”

As you may expect, Omega Strikers is a character-based game which means a cast of distinct avatars, all with their own moves and intricacies, are playable. I personally love the giant guinea pig because they remind me of a large guy who used to work down the local chip shop. I’m fairly sure he was done in by tax evasion, but I’d bet the price of a cone of chips he’d be pretty good at Omega Strikers.

I did more than think of awful segways for this article about Omega Strikers, I actually played it too in a super secret clandestine press briefing and play session earlier this week. It’s damn good fun, packed with fast-paced action and exciting characters that really mix up the experience each time. I spent most of my time beating people up, which allowed my more objective-focused team go in for goals. A smarter person could say the game allowed for “a diverse expression of play styles” but to be honest, I had a real beef with one of the enemy team and didn’t want them to have any fun.

Don’t take my word for it though, the closed beta should be live right now. To apply, visit the official website!

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