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Monaco Xbox 360 sales 'very disappointing', says dev

Manco: What's Yours Is Mine under-performed on Xbox 360, Andy Schatz has said.

"I was never depending on the Xbox being our primary revenue generator, but I was very disappointed in Xbox sales nonetheless," Schatz wrote in response to a discussion on Reddit.

"We put a ton of effort porting the game, and to have that effort be largely wasted was really disappointing."

Schatz said the game's demo isn't very strong, and admitted that a last minute delay "unquestionably" had a negative effect; interestingly, he confirmed that Microsoft's recent axing of fees related to patching had been a big help.

"We had to submit two patches, and luckily they had already relaxed the charges for that process about a month prior," Schatz said.

The developer had nothing negative to say on the subject of developer relations with Microsoft, noting only that Majesco, which published the game on Xbox Live, acted as a "buffer", and that any complaints he has about the process will remain private to the three companies.

Microsoft has taken a real beating in the press form indie devs recently, with Fez developer Polytron the latest to call out the platform holder; notably, the game has made more sales on Steam than Xbox Live, despite launching as a Summer of Arcade exclusive. some indies have nothing but praise for Microsoft, but Nintendo and especially Sony are clearly winning the indie relations PR war at the moment.

Thanks, Shack News.

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