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Fez made 105,000 sales in Steam Summer Getaway Sale

During its 50% off sale last week, indie 2.5D platform puzzler Fez was purchased over 105,000 times.

These sales were made over a two day period, when the award-winning game's price tag was knocked down to $5.

Polytron boss Phil Fish is quite excited about the sale, understandably.

"Ok, so our first Steam summer sale is over and it was BANANERS," he said on Twitter. "We sold 105k units in 48 hours.

"We sold more copies in the first 24 hours of the sale than we had on Steam in the first three months since release. And over the course of the full 48 hours, we sold more than we had in our first month on XBLA. It's been fuckin' NUTSO.

"Thank you cheap people everywhere."

Thanks, Joystiq. Twitter links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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