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Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition update 14 launches today - full patch notes

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition developer 4J Studios is rolling out the game's 14th update from today, and as always there's a long string of patch notes detailing all the new changes.


New items

  • Emerald
  • Emerald Ore
  • Block of Emerald
  • Ender Chest
  • Tripwire Hook
  • Enchanted Golden Apple
  • Anvil
  • Flower Pot
  • Cobblestone Walls
  • Mossy Cobblestone Walls
  • Wither Painting
  • Potato
  • Baked Potato
  • Poisonous Potato
  • Carrot
  • Golden Carrot
  • Carrot on a Stick
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Night Vision Potion
  • Invisibility Potion
  • Nether Quartz
  • Nether Quartz Ore
  • Block of Quartz
  • Quartz Slab
  • Quartz Stair
  • Chiseled Quartz Block
  • Pillar Quartz Block
  • Enchanted Book
  • Carpet

New features and tweaks

  • - Added new recipes for Smooth Sandstone and Chiseled Sandstone.
  • - Added new Mobs - Zombie Villagers.
  • - Added new terrain generation features - Desert Temples, Desert Villages, and Jungle Temples.
  • - Added Trading with villagers.
  • - Added Anvil interface.
  • - Added sideways log placement.
  • - Changed placement of half blocks and other blocks on half blocks.
  • - Changed placement of upside down stairs and slabs.
  • - Wooden Buttons and Wooden Pressure Plates can be activated with Arrows.
  • - Can dye leather armor.
  • - Can dye wolf collars.
  • - Can control riding a pig with a Carrot on a Stick.
  • - Added different villager professions.
  • - Villagers spawned from a spawn egg will have a random profession.
  • - Furnaces can use wooden tools as a fuel.
  • - Ice and Glass panes can be collected with silk touch enchanted tools.
  • - Nether mobs can spawn in the Overworld from Portals.
  • - Creepers and Spiders are aggressive towards the last player that hit them.
  • - Mobs in Creative mode become neutral again after a short period.
  • - Remove knockback when drowning.
  • - Doors being broken by zombies show damage.
  • - Ice melts in the Nether.
  • - Cauldrons fill up when out in the rain.
  • - Pistons take twice as long to update.
  • - Pig drops Saddle when killed (if has one).
  • - Sky color in The End changed.
  • - String can be placed (for Tripwires).
  • - Rain drips through leaves.
  • - Levers can be placed on the bottom of blocks.
  • - TNT does variable damage depending on difficulty setting.
  • - Book recipe changed.
  • - Boats break Lily Pads, instead of Lily Pads breaking Boats.
  • - Pigs drop more Porkchops.
  • - Slimes spawn less in Superflat worlds.
  • - Creeper damage variable based on difficulty setting, more knockback.
  • - Fixed Endermen not opening their jaws.
  • - Added new Host Options for flying, invisibility and invulnerability for remote players.
  • - Added teleporting of players (using the player menu in-game).
  • - Furnace will return an empty bucket when fueled by a bucket of lava.
  • - Updated Bonus Chest content with more items.
  • - Added new tutorials to the Tutorial World for new items and features.
  • - Updated the positions of the Music Disc Chests in the Tutorial World.
  • - Updated all texture packs and mash-up packs with new TU14 additions.
  • - Changed the gray wool texture for City Texture Pack to be more like a road surface.


  • - Fixed a crash with Maps in Item Frames which happened when players were in the Nether or The End
  • - Fixed Chest locks showing through walls at a distance
  • - Fixes a couple of crashes related to the player's banned level list
  • - Some lighting fixes
  • - Fix to Blazes so they go on fire before shooting fire charges
  • - Fix to allow drinking milk in Creative mode
  • - Fix to allow split screen players to see Splash Potion particles
  • - Fix to stop the held item being replaced with the first item in the Quick Select on exiting The End.
  • - Fixed an issue with throwing an Ender Pearl while travelling to The Nether or The End
  • - Fixed the active time for Wooden and Stone Buttons.
  • - Fixed a crash with Dispensers and Fire Charges
  • - Fixed a crash with local profiles in the Help & Options menu
  • - Corrected the leaves obtained using silk touch on Jungle trees

Via OXM.

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