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Minecraft Twitch broadcasting to go live today

Minecraft developer Mojang has confirmed that - unless the world implodes or something cataclysmic like that - its latest update will bring Twitch broadcasting to its blocky world of creation.

A post on the Mojang blog offers scant update notes:

  • Added integrated Twitch broadcasting! See below for details.
  • Fixed render distances above 8 (may not work in multiplayer, servers have their own view distance they limit you to)
  • Many bug fixes and optimizations!

Mojang added that the Twitch feature will enable one-click broadcasting and has proven to run stable in recent tests. Before you can get rolling however, you will need to visit your Minecraft account settings and link your Twitch account to the game.

You will then be given a string of quality settings and options, and the ability to start broadcasting at any time by hitting F6, although you can also tailor which key starts the stream. It'll run on PC and Mac, but currently not Linux.

There you have it folks, expect many creation-filled broadcasts coming your way from today.

Via Joystiq.

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