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Minecraft player trolled by Mojang for his offensive username

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If you don't want Mojang to change your Minecraft username, don't pick an offensive one.


A few years ago, Reddit user Jessemoforice created a Minecraft account called 'MojangSucksDick'. He was angry about not being able to log into his account.

Fast forward to this week, and he's still using that name. Minecraft developer Mojang was investigating a harassment issue when they caught his account name. Jessemoforice logged into this account to find that his name has been changed:


Notice how on the right hand corner it now says 'NoWeDont'. Minecraft developer Marc Watson explained how it happened on Reddit.

"I was actually looking for [names with the words] %sucksdick, due to an unrelated report of harassment. Usually we let servers handle all moderation but it was a parent and a kid, and well, I was just covering some bases. I never did find the username they reported (they couldn't remember the exact spelling), but I did find this gem. Glad OP was a good sport about it," he said.

So there you have it, at least they're all being good sports.

Thanks, Kotaku.

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