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Lost tracks heading to Rock Band


In case you missed it, Lost finished after six years today. If you're one of the people that actually cares about this, you may be pleased to know tracks from the show are heading to Rock Band.

According to this G4 piece:

In the near future, likely in the next few days, both Driveshaft's "You All Everybody" and Geronimo Jackon's "Dharma Lady" are going to show up on the Rock Band Network, I'm told. The songs briefly made an appearance on, but have since disappeared before their debut.

After you've downloaded the tracks, right, play them over and over again while looking constantly shocked, but be sure to just hit the plastic instruments in a random fashion so the notes make no sense whatsoever. Do this for years and years and years, pretending that what you're doing has some kind of meaning.

Why break old habits?

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