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Levine: Current hardware still has a "tonne of juice"

BioShock creator Ken Levine has said he doesn't feel the need for new hardware yet.

"It's clear there's still a fair bit of juice left in these machines," the Irrational Games boss told PlayStation Plus UK bonus feature Access.

"From a gameplay standpoint absolutely there's a tonne of juice left in them. I as a gamer am not aching for the new machines yet."

Levine gave a few examples of current genertaion games which still have the power to impress him.

"You look at Arkham City, Uncharted and Gears of War and you're starting to see that these games don't look old to me. They look very current.

"I was playing Batman the other day and he's flying over this huge city, the snow is landing on the wings of his cape and you can see it hitting and melting. They still retain the power to visually amaze me."

Levine admitted that it's "challenging" to pull more and more from ageing hardware, but said BioShock: Infinite does so, using a "totally new engine built on top of Unreal Engine", complete with new lighting and AI systems, among other improvements.

"I honestly don't know how they do what do. It's pretty amazing. They're still able to drag a lot of juice out of these machines; lots of things left to explore."

BioShock: Infinite, due on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2012.


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