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League of Legends introduces Team Builder queue, will enter beta servers soon

League of Legends developer Riot Games has announced a new Team Builder queue that lets players queue up certain champions and strategies, with a view to slotting people into teams that best compliment their set-up.

Lead social systems designer Jeffrey Lin revealed the new queue over on the Riot forum today. It will be joining the beta servers soon.

The queue won't replace existing queues, but will become offered on the side in due time. It will allow people to tailor their champion and role before they start match-making, and Riot hopes that it will see players entering matches with other champions that are best suited to their ideal set-up. The tool can potentially cut down on pre-match discussion about who's going to be doing what once the action starts.

In his post, Lin explained, "An ideal champ select is one where all five players get their preferred role and feel like they’re all on the same page for the upcoming match. The current matchmaking does a good job of matching up players of similar overall skill levels, but doesn’t have any way to know what a player’s intentions for a given game are.

"Sometimes things work out perfectly and everyone gets the champion and role they wanted without a hitch. But if multiple players are looking to play the same role or lane, a consensus has to be built in a relatively short period of time. That’s time that could be used to get to know each other, agree on a strategy and build confidence that it’s going to be a fun match."

What do you think of this new queue? Is it a good idea? Let us know below.

Via IGN.

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