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Ken Levine will receive Lifetime Achievement award at the Golden Joysticks

For the first time the Golden Joystick Awards are awarding a Lifetime Achievement award, and the first recipient will be Irrational Games co-founder Ken Levine. You know, that BioShock bloke.

The award will celebrate Levine's work, which includes System Shock 2, BioShock, and BioShock Infinite, one of the best reviewed games of this year.

"In most fields, people begin their careers being inspired by others," said Levine. "In turn, they hopefully end up inspiring others. The great thing about the still-maturing nature of video games is you get to be inspired by the work of novices and veterans alike. We're all figuring out day by day exactly what the medium is capable of."

The 2013 Golden Joystick Awards take place at London's Westminster Park Plaza on Friday October 25. BioShock Infinite is nominated for a number of awards, including Best Storytelling and Best Visual Design.

Thanks, CVG.

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