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Infection may be coming soon to Halo: Master Chief Collection

Infection, one of Halo 3's most popular modes, may be coming soon to The Master Chief Collection.

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Popular game mode Infection could be on its way to Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Developer 343 Industries penned a new weekly update on Halo Waypoint that covered a multitude of topics, from Halo 5's showing at gamescom 2015 this week, to upcoming fan-favourite playlists.

"The playlist team continues to work on future updates, and it’s quite likely that we’ll be talking more about things like Infection in the coming weeks," reads the blog.

Infection worked in a similar way to how it works in most games. One player starts off as an infected and tries to spread the infection by killing other players, who then become infected. The player who manages to last to the end of the round uninfected wins.

Infection was a huge part of Halo 4, which featured an elaborate version of it called Flood.

The developer also said that another content update is in the works for the collection,

343 recently brought back the Action Sack playlist to the game, which the developer said was a resounding success.

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