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Hellblade from Ninja Theory announced for PlayStation 4

Hellblade from Ninja Theory was announced as a digital title for PlayStation 4 at gamescom 2014. A trailer is below and we're getting a massive Heavenly Sword vibe from it.

hellblade (4)

According to product development boss Dom Matthews, the team wanted to use the ninja-class combat, strong character stories and a unique art vision it likes to encompass in its games.

The new digital game takes place in a twisted world, with "brutal uncompromising combat," he said.

"We’re calling Hellblade an 'Independent AAA' game, by which we mean that it will be developed and published independently but with all the quality and production values of any AAA game on the market," said Matthews.

"Certain types of game are very difficult to make for AAA retail without being watered down or otherwise compromised for a mass audience. This is especially true of sword-based combat games or games of a distinctive style or unusual subject matter. We want to make a smaller, more focused game experience that is uncompromising in its combat, art and story, and deliver this digitally at a lower price."

The Hellblade world is based on Celtic myth and the trailer focuses on protagonist Senua as she embarks on a personal journey through the underworld.

The game was announced "unusually early as a deliberate move," Matthews continued, as the team wants to "develop Hellblade right in front" of the fans.

If you head over to the game's website, you will find concept art as well as documentation on a couple of Ninja Theory games that were planned, but never made it into production.

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