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Halo Infinite won't have real-money loot boxes

The last few days saw Halo fans getting very worried about one perceived aspect of Halo Infinite, which 343 has now stepped in to clarify won't be in the game.

Earlier this week, Gamespot noticed a job listing at Halo Infinite developer 343 Industries that hinted at the existence of microtransactions in in the upcoming Halo Infinite.

The online experience design director position's main role is to ensure longevity of the game, through social and in-game progression mechanics. One of the director's other responsibilities is microtransaction integration, which got fans worried about the future of the game.

We know very little about Halo Infinite at this stage, so naturally people were quick to jump to conclusions. 343 co-studio head Chris Lee chimed in on Twitter on assure fans that Halo Infinite won't include loot boxes you can buy with real money.

Lee's answer doesn't preclude the inclusion of in-game loot boxes, or microtransactions that players can spend on cosmetics or any other in-game item, for that matter. It's still, however, great to hear that you will at least know what you're buying and not have to rely on RNG.

Halo Infinite does not yet have a release date, but it's coming to PC, and Xbox One at some point. 343 previously said it's not interested in battle royale.

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