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First Resident Evil 5 reviews - IGN goes with 9.0, 9.0 and 8.7


IGN's gone live with the first Resident Evil 5 reviews, with it 9.0 in the UK, 9.0 in the US and 8.7 in Australia.

The American video review's after the break.

Here's a snip from the UK review:

While it's occasionally hampered by outdated controls and problematic AI, it's the near-mandatory co-op and bombastic assault of visceral silliness that earns Resident Evil 5 its stripes. Sure, it might just be a shinier, snazzier retread of Resi 4 - and certainly, it lacks its forerunner's impressive sense of invention - but this is still big, dumb Grade A entertainment. Is it a classic like it's predecessor? No, but it's a gloriously daft amount of fun and sometimes that's enough.

We're still chasing Capcom on the issue of reviewers being told not to mention the island section in the game's third chapter.

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