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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's director knows about the performance mode issues, promises a patch is coming soon

You could always play in graphics mode for the time being?

Aerith, Tifa, and Yuffie are all looking out a cable car window at colourful flashing lights, Cloud is sat behind them in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Square Enix

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is finally in players' hands, though some aren't happy with the game's performance mode - thankfully, it sounds like a patch is on the way to fix it.

Before the full game even launched, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth players were worried about the game's graphics, as some felt they weren't up to snuff in certain parts of the game's demo. Square Enix promised a patch for both the demo and the full game at the time, though it seems for the game's performance mode there are some players who are still experiencing issues. You don't need to worry about it too much, though, as the game's director Naoki Hamaguchi has promised a patch is on the way, and that it shouldn't be too long until it releases.

As reported by OneMoreGame, Hamaguchi said that "We've received a lot of feedback on whether the graphics in the performance mode will be improved or not. We hear you, and we are currently working on an update patch to improve that aspect. I don’t think the release date would be far away from now." Hamaguchi further explained what you can expect from the patch, saying that the team has "heard from players that in certain situations, the facial lighting makes some character shadows look very scary. So that’s one part of the update that we are working on."

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth released earlier this week, four years after its predecessor Remake released, and Alex gave it 4/5 stars in his review of the game. "FF7 Rebirth is an astonishing piece of work," wrote Alex. "In the pantheon of the FF series, it stands arguably as the single most ambitious title Square has ever produced - except for the game whose legacy it is chasing, of course. Unchecked ambition makes this magical - but also undoubtedly makes it flawed in some key, prickly ways."

Also earlier this week, Final Fantasy 7 Remake received an update, oddly enough, changing the game's final line, much to the confusion of many.

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