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E3 2015: Fallout 4 PC mods can be transferred to Xbox One [Update]

Mods created for the PC version of Fallout 4 will be playable on Xbox One.


Update: Bethesda has confirmed on Twitter that mod sharing will not be available on launch in November, but in early 2016. Bethesda added that it "hopes to bring it to PS4, too."

Original story: Bethesda's Todd Howard has just announced that all mods created on the PC for Fallout 4 can be transferred and played on Xbox One.

The feature will be available for free, but Howard did not reveal any other details.

In addition, all copies of Fallout 4 will come with Fallout 3, for free. Which sounds all the more impressive following the backwards compatibility announcement.

Fallout 4 is out November 10.

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