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Deep Down producer offers clarification on lack of female characters

Deep Down still doesn't have any women in it, but if it's any consolation, it hardly has any men in it either, apparently.

You'd be depressed if you'd never met a woman, too.

"There is one male main character in Deep Down. The story is being developed around him and his surrounding Ravens comrades," Deep Down producer Kazunori Sugiura said in a Facebook post translated by Gematsu.

Sugiura's comments still do not explain why none of our hero's companions are women.

It's also still not clear what character the player is meant to be, given that it's a co-operative multiplayer title. Are all members of a party playing the same character, or are they in the role of other Ravens?

Sugiura ended his post by thanking international fans for their interest in the title and reiterating that release outside Japan has not been confirmed.

Over the weekend, Sugiura told livestream viewers that there would be no playable female characters in Deep Down. We found this pretty poor in a multiplayer title.

Capcom did not respond to our request for clarification and comment. Nevertheless, it seems Sugiura is aware of our concerns, although they seem to have been miscommunicated.

"From our overseas firm, there was big misconception in an article claiming that there were 12 main characters in Deep Down, all of them male," he said, a thing nobody anywhere has claimed but probably has roots in my little role-play re: what is wrong with this industry, gosh.

Deep Down is a PS4 exclusive co-op RPG, built on Capcom's gorgeous-looking new Panta Rhei engine. It's expected in Japan sometime in or after northern autumn.

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