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Cyberpunk 2077 features "genital replacement" sex augmentations

CD Projekt's upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 will allow players to replace their genitals with sex-focused augmentations.

True to the original RPG Cyberpunk 2020 world, male characters can enhance their libido with the Mr Studd augmentation, allowing them to shag all night long. The female equivalent is the Midnight Lady or Mrs Midnight.

"It’s like vagina replacement cyberware," revealed Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz, quest director for Cyberpunk 2077, speaking to The Gamer. "Also, there’s breasts and all that. And then, I think the male counterpart is Mr. Studd, I think, which is also genital replacement."

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Who's most likely to have the sex augs? That would be the members the Moxes, a collective of sex workers who have left previous gangs to form under their own union, of sorts.

"I think saying it’s a gang of sex workers is a bit of a simplification," said Tomaszkiewicz, after a revealing look at the gangs of Cyberpunk 2077 in the latest Night City Wire broadcast. "It’s like a group that was composed of people that were working for the gangs in the past, right? A lot of sex workers were working for the gangs, but they wanted to become independent, so to speak.

"I like to think of them as a workers’ union, basically, who can protect their own, and they have their own territory and so on.

Tomaszkiewicz explained that Night City gangs run "doll houses", where clients go to get their very specific rocks off.

"Doll houses are this concept that is quite interesting, in terms of the Cyberpunk world," he said.

"Imagine you have people who have specific cyberware that allows them to attune to the client. And after the job is done, it allows them to forget what they were doing during the session. Imagine that the sex worker - the doll - attuned to you, and they can realise your fantasies, deeply hidden desires, and things that are pushed into your subconscious - maybe you don’t even think about them too much. Some of them are also part of the Moxes, and they are gathering different kinds of sex workers throughout the city."

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If you're looking for more Cyberpunk 2077, we have a whole archive of news, features, interviews and video for you, including this in depth look at combat and weapons.

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