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Borderlands 3 cross-platform support "being looked at"

Borderlands 3 may not support cross-play between the different platforms, but that doesn't mean it's out of the question.

Though cross-play is a feature very few games have, a co-op game like Borderlands 3 could benefit a lot from allowing players across PC, PS4, and Xbox One to play together.

More specifically, the Borderlands 3 Microsoft Store Page briefly mentioned cross-play as one of the game's features. This has since been removed, but not before enough people noticed.

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Gearbox has yet to officially announce cross-play support for Borderlands 3, of course, but CEO Randy Pitchford recently stated on Twitter that himself and the team "have a very keen interest in cross-platform play."

For its part, publisher 2K Games told Gamespot that "cross-play is something we're looking at closely, but we don't have anything to confirm or announce at this time."

Borderlands 3's big gameplay reveal event takes place next month, and would be a great platform to officially announce the feature. But seeing as Gearbox hasn't teased it in any capacity, it'll have to remain on our wishlist for now.

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