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Black Ops 2 PS3: patch 1.03 issued to prevent system freeze

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 players on PS3 were recently experiencing console freezing while playing. Treyarch has now released a patch that should address the issue.

Eurogamer reports that Activision were aware of the problem, which occurred when players were attempting to enter a multiplayer public lobby. However since the patch has released, some players claim that the issue persists, and said in a new statement, "We are doing everything we can to get to the bottom of it as quickly as possible”.

Meanwhile Black Ops 2 multiplayer continues to be brilliant but with a few flaws. Check out our full appraisal of the game's multiplayer below:

Black Ops 2 multiplayer: future imperfect.

Have you experienced the issue? Let us know below.

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