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BioShock Infinite DLC announcement dropping at 8am EST, says Levine

BioShock is getting some kind of announcement today at 8am EST, as confirmed by Irrational Games boss Ken Levine. The smart money says this is a DLC expansion, while others suggest its news on the PS Vita game. However, Levine has debunked the latter.

UPDATE: 2K Games has just dropped a wee tease-bomb:



ORIGINAL STORY: Levine has been talking quite openly about what the announcement isn't over on Twitter, and confirmed the reveal timing to this eager fan:

He then clarified:

That's 1pm BST / 2pm European people. Set your watches.

In debunking the PS Vita announcement rumours, Levine posted the following on his Facebook page:

Levine has also said he has faith in people to enjoy the DLC and that it most definitely isn't new paid socks for the characters before simply adding 'BioSocks'.

He's a funny man I'll give him that.

What do you think the announcement is?

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