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Battlefield 5 Firestorm map is 10x larger than the game's biggest map

Battlefield 5 players expected the Firestorm map to bigger than any other map in the game, but now we know how much bigger it is.

The Battlefield 5 Twitter account has been sharing a few interesting comparisons between Halvoy, the Firestorm battle royale map, and Hamada, the biggest map in the game's multiplayer mode today.

Halvoy is ten times bigger than Hamada, making the latter fit into just a small part of the former. The recent Firestorm trailer made it look like only a section of Halvoy will be accessible in each match, which would make the actual playable area a lot smaller.

We're going to find out more this week, and when we get our hands on Firestorm proper on Monday, the mode's launch day.

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